Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Time to hang out with the boys

After not doing much of anything, other than traveling, etc, I'm going out for some drinks with co-workers tonight. Should be lots of fun. Nice to hang out and have a few and make some dirty jokes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Another update...

So I didn't mention this yesterday. Its been so long since everything went by, it was so weird to read about that drunk dude. That guy ended up getting fired, got arrested, thrown in prison, and now got out and is living in a crack house.

So... Thats... Bad...

The new city is cool. I noticed in one of my earlier posts, I said, "When can i move to the country?"

Well, I did. Heh. I kept my old job AND moved to the country. Now I just need to get published.

Finally cooking again too. Things are going pretty well now.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Some pics

Well here are some pics of the recent trip to london.

(Yes, I went to london after moving cross country and stuff. Sorry I haven't updated this in a while.)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I was right about the accident.

Just the other day someone had smashed into those barriers.


Birthday monday went as expected. Hopefully my girl liked it.

Drunks mcgee was here briefly on monday but not sense. I guess he's moved the benders up from starting on friday, to wednesday, to monday.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

To hell with JTB

God damn traffic sucks. I can't believe they put up concrete barriers next to 95.

Its just begging to cause an accident.

stupid city, when can I move to the country?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Damn but the office reeks of alcohol

And believe it or not, its not me doing the stinking.

No, but seriously, someone is coming in here boozing the place up. I could keep a fifth of jack daniels, open, on my desk and no one would notice with the odors floatin' around in here.


I need a drink.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New word

While bashing on someone I don't like, I came up with the term, Artism.

People who think they're artistic, but are in fact, functionally retarded.

I like this.